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Image Magick blend 2 cropped/resize images together in the middle

Hey all I have this code below that takes 2 images and merges them together with it fading in the center:

convert testingl.jpg -gravity West ^
testingr.jpg -gravity East ^
blend_mask.png -extent 1080x440 -gravity center -composite bothBlended.jpg

The above produces this:

enter image description here

Using this mask:

enter image description here

Taken from these 2 images (lowered res to fit on here):

testingl.jpg (original size 1224 x 1632)

enter image description here

testingr.jpg (original size 828 x 1792)

enter image description here

This code works great as-is. Does what I need it to do but with one exception - I am wanting to get more of each image into it. Like resize the image, crop from the center the image then take that and blend it. I need to keep the same 1080 x 440 overall size.

Do that with both would look something like this:

enter image description here


When running @fmw42's code:

convert ^
( testingl.jpg -resize 1080x440^ -gravity West -extent 1080x440 ) ^
( testingr.jpg -resize 1080x440^ -gravity East -extent 1080x440 ) ^
blend_mask.png -composite abc.jpg

I get this:

enter image description here


  • Your ImageMagick command does not generate your proposed output image. I think it is missing a resize and parentheses.

    In Unix syntax, I need the following to get your output.

    convert \
    \( testingl.png -resize 1080x440^ -gravity West -extent 1080x440 \) \
    \( testingr.png -resize 1080x440^ -gravity East -extent 1080x440 \) \
    blend_mask.png -composite bothBlended1.jpg

    enter image description here

    or perhaps you want

    convert \
    \( testingl.png -resize 1080x440^ -gravity West -extent 1080x440 \) \
    \( testingr.png -resize 1080x440! -gravity East -extent 1080x440 \) \
    blend_mask.png -composite bothBlended2.jpg

    enter image description here