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Why is the class type in mapply(as.POSIXct , myCSV) not recognised as POSIX type?

I have a list of dates in character/string format and I need to read them as POSIXct dates.

>  x  <- as.POSIXct("95-11-22" , format="%y-%m-%d")             #should equal myParsedDates[1]
> typeof(x)
[1] "double"
> class(x)
[1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt"                                      #Member of POSIXct class

> myDates <- c("95-11-22", "95-11-23", "95-12-25")
> myParsedDates <- mapply(function(x){as.POSIXct(x, format="%y-%m-%d")}   ,   myDates)
> typeof(myParsedDates[1])
[1] "double"
> class(myParsedDates[1])
[1] "numeric"                                               #Not a member of POSIXct 

> x                              #The class information is retained
[1] "1995-11-22 AWST"
> myParsedDates[1]               #The class information is lost

Why, when mapply is called on the list, does the POSIXct class information get lost? How can it be retained?


  • This is in essence a more complicated version of the (known, documented, still sad) mis-feature of S3 class attributes dropping when concatenating vectors.

    I am using as.Date() here (and a string that parses without format), but it is the same with as.POSIXct().

    First, what works:

    > as.Date("2022-01-16")
    [1] "2022-01-16"
    > as.Date("2022-01-16")
    [1] "2022-01-16"

    Second, what doesn't _because sapply constructs a vector:

    > sapply(c("2022-01-16", "2022-01-17"), as.Date)
    2022-01-16 2022-01-17 
         19008      19009 
    > class(sapply(c("2022-01-16", "2022-01-17"), as.Date))
    [1] "numeric"

    The actual names comes back because sapply is kind to use them as label, but the result is not longer a Date object. For completeness, same with as.POSIXct:

    > as.POSIXct("2022-01-16")
    [1] "2022-01-16 CST"
    > class(as.POSIXct("2022-01-16"))
    [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt" 
    > class(sapply(c("2022-01-16", "2022-01-17"), as.POSIXct))
    [1] "numeric"

    It works via lapply and

    >, lapply(c("2022-01-16", "2022-01-17"), as.Date))
    [1] "2022-01-16" "2022-01-17"
    > class(, lapply(c("2022-01-16", "2022-01-17"), as.Date)))
    [1] "Date"

    It also works if you make the objects part of a data.frame and stack the data.frame rows, and/or if you inject them into pre-allocated vectors, or ... if one simply calls vectorised:

    > as.Date(c("2022-01-16", "2022-01-17"))
    [1] "2022-01-16" "2022-01-17"
    > class(as.Date(c("2022-01-16", "2022-01-17")))
    [1] "Date"

    which is of course not always possible.