On my screen I have MyTopItem()
and below list with items.
When I'm starting scrolling my list I want to hide MyTopItem()
It works fine but scrolling is so laggy.
It happens because during scrolling all items in MyLazyVerticalGridItemsSection()
How can I avoid recomposing during scrolling?
Column(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
val listState = rememberLazyListState()
visible = listState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset < 1,
enter = expandVertically(),
exit = shrinkVertically()
) {
items = myItems,
listState = listState
This happens because you're using listState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset
directly, so each time this value changes, the recomposition is triggered.
In such cases derivedStateOf
should be used - it will only trigger recomposition when the result of the calculation changes::
val visible by remember { derivedStateOf { listState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset < 1 } }