I created a docker image of my OrchardCore project. I tried to run it using the following command
docker container run --detach --publish 8085:80 --name imageName MYIMAGE -e OrchardCore__DatabaseProvider=SqlConnection -e OrchardCore__Default__State='Uninitialized' -e OrchardCore__OrchardCore_DataProtection_Azure__ContainerName='dataprotection' -e OrchardCore__OrchardCore_Shells_Azure__ContainerName='hostcontainer' -e OrchardCore__ConnectionString='myConnectionString' -e OrchardCore__OrchardCore_DataProtection_Azure__ConnectionString='myBlobConnection' -e OrchardCore__OrchardCore_Shells_Azure__ConnectionString='myBlobConnection'
However, the image does not run. When I inspect the container logs, I see the following error
Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentNullException: The 'OrchardCore.Shells.Azure' configuration section must be defined (Parameter 'BlobShellStorageOptions')
The above exception is due to a missing configuration which is being set using the -e flag
Next I created the following docker-compose file and the image workes as expected with no errors! But the same image is not working when using the docker container run
above or in
version: "3.9"
image: "myimage:tag"
container_name: "oc_app"
- "8000:80"
- db
OrchardCore__Default__State: "Uninitialized"
OrchardCore__Default__TablePrefix: "Default"
OrchardCore__OrchardCore_DataProtection_Azure__ConnectionString: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<MyAccountName>;AccountKey=<MyKey>;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net"
OrchardCore__OrchardCore_DataProtection_Azure__ContainerName: "dataprotection-local"
OrchardCore__OrchardCore_Shells_Azure__ConnectionString: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<MyAccountName>;AccountKey=<MyKey>;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net"
OrchardCore__OrchardCore_Shells_Azure__ContainerName: "hostcontainer-local"
OrchardCore__DatabaseProvider: "SqlConnection"
OrchardCore__ConnectionString: "Server=db;Database=master;User=sa;Password=someStringPassword"
image: "mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server"
container_name: sqlserver
SA_PASSWORD: "someStringPassword"
Its like the app isn't seeing the variables passed by the --env
or -e
yet it's seeing the variables when passed using the environment
section in the docker-compse.yml
What am I doing wrong here? How can I run my image using the docker container run
Note: the reason why I want to run the image using the docker container run
is because I want to host the app on "Azure Web Service" and that passes the environment variables using the --env
flag. After deploying my image to Azure Web Service, the container fails to run and shows the same error as the one I get when running docker run command locally.
Docker options need to go before the image name. Anything after the image name becomes a command for the image. So you need to do
docker container run --detach --publish 8085:80 --name imageName -e OrchardCore__DatabaseProvider=SqlConnection -e OrchardCore__Default__State='Uninitialized' -e OrchardCore__OrchardCore_DataProtection_Azure__ContainerName='dataprotection' -e OrchardCore__OrchardCore_Shells_Azure__ContainerName='hostcontainer' -e OrchardCore__ConnectionString='myConnectionString' -e OrchardCore__OrchardCore_DataProtection_Azure__ConnectionString='myBlobConnection' -e OrchardCore__OrchardCore_Shells_Azure__ConnectionString='myBlobConnection' MYIMAGE