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Strapi new user registration keeps getting "Email is already taken" error, no email confirmation either

I initialized a new Strapi server and with different databases and when registering a new user I keep getting the same "message": "Email is already taken" error. I used a different username and different email each time. I also couldn't get the email confirmation to work at all.


  • I had this exact issue, here is how I solved it. You have to insure that you give Strapi native email plugin a VALID email address.

    1. In the admin panel goto Settings -> Advanced Settings -> turn on Email Confirmation and hit Save.

    enter image description here

    1. Under settings -> Email Templates -> for both Email Address Confirmation and Reset Password provide a valid email, make sure that it's a working and valid email. If not you will keep getting that error. enter image description here

    Strapi has a built in email plugin that manages emails. You can also use a bunch of 3rd party email services to better manage your email.
    Optional Strapi Email Plugins