I have an Image Control, where the Control Source is set to the database image name column, which works fine for JPEG files with a .jpg file extension, but not working for JPEG files with a .jpeg extension. If I rename the JPEG files from .jpeg to .jpg and at the same time change the extension in the database filename from .jpeg to .jpg it works like a charm. This is not durable in a production environment, so I would really appreciate it if anyone has a workaround for this problem. I am running MS Access 2019 on a Windows 10 platform.
My solution: A bash file and a crontab job running every 10 minutes. The bash file copies, transfer and rename the extensions of new files. I made an extra column in my query called "new_bill_Url_location", and stripped the "jpeg" extension and added a "jpg' extension, files with a jpg extension are left as they are. The code for the query column is:
new_bill_Url_location: IIf(Right([bill_Url_location],4)="jpeg", Left(bill_Url_location, Len(bill_Url_location) - 4) & "jpg",[bill_Url_location])