I am struggeling by changing the currency symbol in WooCommerce email notifications.
Everywhere you can see the € currency, but as far as you open the emails, you find, that the currency there is £.
I tried to add this function using Snipets:
* change currency symbol to €
add_filter( 'woocommerce_currency_symbol', 'wc_change_uae_currency_symbol', 10, 2 );
function wc_change_uae_currency_symbol( $currency_symbol, $currency ) {
switch ( $currency ) {
case '€':
$currency_symbol = '€';
return $currency_symbol;
But nothing has changed. Any advice?
Here is a simple image for that also describe the situation:
This should fix the issue:
function filter_woocommerce_currency_symbol( $currency_symbol, $currency ) {
// Compare
switch( $currency ) {
case 'GBP': $currency_symbol = '€';
return $currency_symbol;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_currency_symbol', 'filter_woocommerce_currency_symbol', 1, 2 );
The difference is that you are currently converting € symbol into the € symbol
Tested in WordPress 5.8.3 and WooCommerce 6.0.0