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how to create a c++ recursive function to return a node custom object?

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I created a C++ recursive function in order to iterate over a binary tree and print out all the NODEs where the property COMPLETED = TRUE;

It´s working pretty fine because the type of the function is VOID and I am only printing out the result.

This is the way that works fine:

void findAndPrintFirstCompletedNodes(treeNode *lastNode) {
     if (lastNode == 0){
   if (lastNode->completed == true) {
          cout << lastNode->word.morseWordElement << endl;

But what I want to do is to return the first found "COMPLETED" node instead of just printing!

I tried this way but is not working:

treeNode * findAndPrintFirstCompletedNodes(treeNode *lastNode) {
      if (lastNode == 0){
          return 0;
    if (lastNode->completed == true) {
           return lastNode;

Thanks for the help.



  • You seem not to be familiar how returning values works. The result of the lines


    is ignored in your code. Only in the case that the input in the first recursion is completed, anything is returned. Frankly, I wonder why your compiler hasn't warned you.

    I think your mistake is that you assume that a return in a recursive call would cause the original call to also return. It doesn't. It produces a value, which is then ignored.
    Look at the code below:

    int four()
        return 4;
    int three()
        return 3;

    What happens in here when you call three() is that an integer of value 4 is created, then thrown away, and then the value 3 is returned. three() does not return 4.

    Try this:

    treeNode * findAndPrintFirstCompletedNodes(treeNode *lastNode) {
        if (lastNode == 0){
            return 0;
        if (lastNode->completed == true) {
            return lastNode;
       treeNode* node;
       node = findAndPrintFirstCompletedNodes(lastNode->left);
       if(node) return node;
       node = findAndPrintFirstCompletedNodes(lastNode->right);
       if(node) return node;
       return nullptr;

    In here, I store the return value of the recursive calls in the variable node, and return it in case it is not a null pointer, using null pointers as "not found".
    In case neither the current node was complete nor anything was found in the recursive calls, I consequently return a null pointer.

    You can shorten this to

    treeNode* node;
    node = findAndPrintFirstCompletedNodes(lastNode->left);
    if(node) return node;
    node = findAndPrintFirstCompletedNodes(lastNode->right);
    return node;

    or even

    treeNode* node = findAndPrintFirstCompletedNodes(lastNode->left);
    if(node) return node;
    return findAndPrintFirstCompletedNodes(lastNode->right);

    but I went with the version above because it should illustrate the point better.

    By the way, I'd recommend that instead of

        if (lastNode == 0){
            return 0;

    you go with

        if (not lastNode){
            return nullptr;


        if (lastNode == nullptr){

    in order to make clear that we work with pointers.