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Detach command from SSH session

I need to run commands on a server via an SSH session and close the session without killing the process on the server. How can this be implemented correctly.

Server and client are linux systems.

Please note than I can't install additional software on server.


  • Before using special tools

    1. Undertanding

      Why do ssh not return when I try to background job on target.

      ssh user@host 'sleep 300 &'

      Then you have to hit Ctrl+C to get your session.

      This is because each connection hold 3 file descriptors: STDIN (0), STDOUT (1) and STDERR (2). The connection will stay open while at least one of this file descriptors are in use.

    2. Simply closing them before running background task

      This is aproximatively what nohup do.

      ssh user@host 'exec 0<&-;exec 1>&-;exec 2>&-; sleep 300 &'

      This will do the job.

      Or by using nohup:

      ssh user@host 'nohup sleep 300 &'

      Will do the job too.

    3. Redirecting output to static file(s)

      You could store output in files located somewhere on server side:

      ssh user@host 'exec 0<&-;exec 1>>/path/to/logfile;exec 2>>/path/to/errlog; sleep 300 &'

      >> for adding log to existing files... you could use uniq files by adding $$ or date +%F...

      ssh user@host 'exec 0<&-;exec 1>/path/to/logfile-$$;exec 2>&1; sleep 300 &'

      2>&1 cited after 1>file will redirect STDERR as STDOUT to file.

      ssh user@host 'exec 0<&-;exec 1>/path/to/file-$(date +%F-%T).$$;exec 2>&-;sleep 300 &'

      Only STDOUT will be stored in newfiles.

    Using screen

    1. If screen is installed

      If you would be able to access interactive front end, you could:

      ssh user@host screen -dmS mySleep sh -c \
                "'x=0;while [ \$x -lt 300 ];do echo \$x;x=\$((x+1));sleep 1;done'"

      This will start a background job, printing 1 ling each 300 next second, then finish.

      To reconnect this, you could

      ssh -t user@host screen -x mySleep

      Then Ctrl+A, followed by d for leaving background task.

    2. Installing screen at user level

      If you can't install something in server, maybe* could you install something in your $HOME directory:

      (* This will be easy if your architecture is same than on server. If not, you even could find compatible binaries or cross compile yourself.)

       $ ssh user@host
       user@host:~$ mkdir bin lib
       user@host:~$ exit
       $ scp /path/to/bin/screen user@host:~/bin
       $ ssh user@host
       user@host:~$ bin/screen
       bin/screen: error while loading shared libraries:
                 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
       user@host:~$ exit
       $ scp /path/to/lib/ user@host:~/lib
       $ ssh user@host
       user@host:~$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib bin/screen
       bin/screen: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `XCRYPT_2.0' 
                 not found (required by bin/screen)
       user@host:~$ exit
       $ scp /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/  user@host:~/lib
       $ ssh user@host
       user@host:~$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib bin/screen
       Cannot make directory '/run/screen': Permission denied
       user@host:~$ mkdir $HOME/.screen
       user@host:~$ SCREENDIR=$HOME/.screen LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib bin/screen

      Finally, now it work...

       $ ssh user@host SCREENDIR=\~/.screen LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\~/lib bin/screen -dmS mySleep sh -c \
                "'x=0;while [ \$x -lt 300 ];do echo \$x;x=\$((x+1));sleep 1;done'"
       $ ssh -t user@host SCREENDIR=\~/.screen LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\~/lib bin/screen -x mySleep

    There are lot of other alternatives, like tmux, byobu...

    Upto create your own wrapper...