I am trying to convert this code to Delphi 7. In Python it converts hex bytes to big endian:
for i in range(0,len(data),4):
My Delphi code so far:
Keydata:array of integer;
While i <= Length(data)-1 do begin
Move(data[i], keydata[i div 4], 4);
What is the correct way of converting to big endian in Delphi?
You're almost there, except for the actual endianess reverse. Consider doing that part on your own by exchanging each byte "manually":
keydata: Array of Byte; // Octets = 8bit per value; Integer would be 32bit
i: Integer; // Going through all bytes of the array, 4 at once
first, second: Byte; // Temporary storage
SetLength( keydata, 8 );
for i:= 0 to 7 do keydata[i]:= i; // Example: the array is now [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
i:= 0; // Arrays start with index [0]
while i< Length( keydata ) do begin
first:= keydata[i];
second:= keydata[i+ 1];
keydata[i]:= keydata[i+ 3]; // 1st byte gets overwritten
keydata[i+ 1]:= keydata[i+ 2];
keydata[i+ 2]:= second;
keydata[i+ 3]:= first; // Remembering the 1st byte
Inc( i, 4 ); // Next 4 bytes
// keydata should now be [3, 2, 1, 0, 7, 6, 5, 4]
This is a rather educational example. See also how to convert big-endian numbers to native numbers delphi. Indenting Pascal code is not mandatory, but it improves reading a lot.