I'm trying to make an better unique id format
because I encountered cases that made same unique id by using following format
(many user tried to connect to our system in a short time)
unique id format is
example 01-27-35-MYDEP-20220115133592028-30
The area that we can modify is 6).
So my idea is
remove random digit area and expand event time (HHmmssSSS -> HHmmssSSSSS) 1/1000 sec -> 1/100000 sec
random 2 digits -> random 2 (digits and alphabets)
1/10*10 -> 1/36*36 = 1/100 -> 1/1296
How's your ideas?
Expanding the time sounds like the best solution, as long as you cannot modify anything else in the identification string. Otherwise I'd suggest UUID.