I have a list of strings and I want to extract a pattern from elements.
For instance, given list ["A 12345bcd", "BYT 676 CCC"]
and pattern r'\d\d\d\d\d'
, I would like to obtain: ["12345", ""]
I know how to do without it, but I want to use walrus operator :=
I tried:
[(m:=re.search(r'\d\d\d\d\d', x), m.group() if m else "") for x in ["A 12345bcd", "BYT 676 CCC"]]
But the result is:
[(<re.Match object; span=(2, 7), match='12345'>, '12345'), (None, '')]
Hence, not what I want
This is a tuple:
(m:=re.search(r'\d\d\d\d\d', x), m.group() if m else "")
This is the group
/empty conditional expression with m :=
evaluated appropriately early:
m.group() if (m := re.search(r'\d\d\d\d\d', x)) else ""