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Determining if Xcode StoreKit Configuration file is being used

Xcode 12 introduced StoreKit Configuration files which are great for testing basic StoreKit functionality before delving into App Store Connect, Sandbox and all that.

Is there a way to determine at run-time (or even at compile-time) whether the scheme's StoreKit Configuration value is set to 'none' or some file?


  • I was just wondering the same, because since I perform local receipt validation, I had to use the right certificate: StoreKit or Apple's root.

    The solution is pretty simple: add a new product inside your .storekit file to check if you are using the local config or the sandbox/App Store one.

    Add a new product ID called using_store_kit_conf then pass the array of IDs to SKProductsRequest containing also this one. When you get the list of products in the delegate, check if the using_store_kit_conf product is present to determine if you're using the StoreKit Configuration file.

    If you list all your products to the user, remember to filter out the using_store_kit_conf product.

    storekit file


    static let premiumOneTime = "premium_one_time"
    static let usingStoreKitConfiguration = "using_store_kit_conf"
    static let productIds: Set<String> = [InAppPurchase.premiumOneTime, InAppPurchase.usingStoreKitConfiguration]
    private var products: [SKProduct] = []

    Pass all the IDs:

    productsRequest = SKProductsRequest(productIdentifiers: InAppPurchase.productIds)


    func productsRequest(_ request: SKProductsRequest, didReceive response: SKProductsResponse) {
        self.products = response.products
        print("InAppPurchase products: ", response.products)

    Check if using StoreKit Configuration:

    var isUsingStoreKitConfiguration: Bool {
        products.contains(where: { product in product.productIdentifier == InAppPurchase.usingStoreKitConfiguration })

    NOTE: This only works after you have loaded the products list, otherwise isUsingStoreKitConfiguration will always return false.