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How to integrate Heroku with Google Cloud SQL (native - GCP) in Nestjs/Typeorm?

I'm currently really frustating cause cannot deploy my app to Heroku and connect my db to Google Cloud SQL.

What am I already did?

  • I have been set up SSL to connect them
  • I have been set up Cloud SQL Auth Proxy (+ set up Cloud SQL CLient role in IAM Manager)
  • I have been did buildpacks via Heroku approaches etc.

And overall failed.

This is my config database via Typeorm in Nestjs.

    import { TypeOrmModuleOptions } from "@nestjs/typeorm"
    const fs = require("fs");

    export class OrmConfig {
        // Config TypeOrm
        getConfig() {
             const ormConfig: TypeOrmModuleOptions = {
                 type: 'postgres',
                 url: 'postgres://myusername:mypassword@myhostincloudsql(publicip):5432/mydb',
                 // host: 'myhostincloudsql(public ip)',
                 // port: 5432,
                 // username: 'myusername',
                 // password: 'mypassword',
                 // database: 'mydb',
                 entities: ['dist/**/*.entity{.js,.ts}'],
                 synchronize: false,
                 migrationsRun: true,
                 logging: false,
                 logger: 'file',
                 migrations: [
                     'dist/database/migrations/**/*{.js, .ts}'
                 cli: {
                     migrationsDir: 'database/migrations'
                 ssl: true,
                 extra: {
                      ssl: {
                           ca: fs.readFileSync('./src/config/server-ca.pem'),
                           cert: fs.readFileSync('./src/config/client-cert.pem'),
                           key: fs.readFileSync('./src/config/client-key.pem'),
                           // rejectUnauthorized: false

            return ormConfig

    export default new OrmConfig().getConfig()

This is my app.module.ts

    import { SendGridModule } from '@anchan828/nest-sendgrid';
    import { MiddlewareConsumer, Module, NestModule } from '@nestjs/common';
    import { ConfigModule } from '@nestjs/config';
    import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
    // import { BlogModule } from './blog/blog.module';
    import OrmConfig from './config/ormConfig';
    import { BusinessContactModule } from './contact/business/business.module';
    import { InvestorNotificationController } from './contact/investor/investment-recommendation/investor-notification.controller';
    import { InvestmentRecommendationModule } from './contact/investor/investment-recommendation/investor-notification.module';
    import { InvestorContactModule } from './contact/investor/angel-investor/investor.module';
    import { EmitenCampaignModule } from './emiten-campaign/emiten-campaign.module';
    import { EmitenModule } from './emiten/emiten.module';
    import { FlashMobileModule } from './flash-mobile/flash-mobile.module';
    import { CoreModule } from './global/core.module';
    import { Agent } from './middleware/agent';
    import { AuthModule } from './middleware/auth.module';
    import { TekenajaModule } from './tekenaja/tekenaja.module';
    import { UserModule } from './user/user.module';

       imports: [
         * ================================
         * Typeorm Config
         * ================================
           apikey: process.env.SENDGRID_API_KEY,
         TypeOrmModule.forRoot(OrmConfig), // This is I call it
         // InvestorContactModule,
         // BusinessContactModule,
         // BlogModule
     export class AppModule implements NestModule { 
       configure(consumer: MiddlewareConsumer) {

NB: Anyway, I'm using public ip in Google Cloud SQL

I have tried connect it from Heroku Postgres, and works. And I try with Cloud SQL fields, getting error something like this

Error response

Now, what should I do in order to connected between them? I hope reply my issue guys. Many thanks.


  • I have solved my issue. As mentioned @Sebastian Pietrzak, I should implemented in Authorized Network in the Connection Menu. And for the additional you have to set the SSL appoach.

    enter image description here

    Many thanks everyones