I just got aware of a new feature in tfjs v3.13.0 (see https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs/pull/5953). I am trying to use the new dataToGPU()
method of Tensors to keep my model output on the GPU, since the data()
method that sends the data back to the CPU takes too much time for my use case. But when I do call the new method and try to bind the WebGLTexture
it creates to my WebGLRenderingContext
, I get the following error.
WebGL: INVALID_OPERATION: bindTexture: object does not belong to this context
I'm guessing this is because the texture has been created on a context that is not the same as my canvas on which I want to bind the texture. So to fix that, there seems to be another feature for which it added the possibility of providing a HTMLCanvasElement
or OffscreenCanvas
to the declaration of the WebGL backend of tfjs (see https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs/pull/5983). However, I am not declaring any backend in my code, so I'm not sure how I must use these features.
Could someone show me how the WebGL backend should be instantiated and used when running a model?
For an example how to register a custom webgl
based backend, see the following on GitHub https://github.com/vladmandic/human/blob/main/src/tfjs/humangl.ts
A copy of this code is added here in case the above link ever fails:
/** TFJS custom backend registration */
import type { Human } from '../human';
import { log } from '../util/util';
import * as tf from '../../dist/tfjs.esm.js';
import * as image from '../image/image';
import * as models from '../models';
import type { AnyCanvas } from '../exports';
// import { env } from '../env';
export const config = {
name: 'humangl',
priority: 999,
canvas: <null | AnyCanvas>null,
gl: <null | WebGL2RenderingContext>null,
extensions: <string[]> [],
webGLattr: { // https://www.khronos.org/registry/webgl/specs/latest/1.0/#5.2
alpha: false,
antialias: false,
premultipliedAlpha: false,
preserveDrawingBuffer: false,
depth: false,
stencil: false,
failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat: false,
desynchronized: true,
function extensions(): void {
const gl = config.gl;
if (!gl) return;
config.extensions = gl.getSupportedExtensions() as string[];
// gl.getExtension('KHR_parallel_shader_compile');
* Registers custom WebGL2 backend to be used by Human library
* @returns void
export async function register(instance: Human): Promise<void> {
// force backend reload if gl context is not valid
if (instance.config.backend !== 'humangl') return;
if ((config.name in tf.engine().registry) && (!config.gl || !config.gl.getParameter(config.gl.VERSION))) {
log('error: humangl backend invalid context');
log('resetting humangl backend');
await tf.removeBackend(config.name);
await register(instance); // re-register
if (!tf.findBackend(config.name)) {
try {
config.canvas = await image.canvas(100, 100);
} catch (err) {
log('error: cannot create canvas:', err);
try {
config.gl = config.canvas?.getContext('webgl2', config.webGLattr) as WebGL2RenderingContext;
const glv2 = config.gl.getParameter(config.gl.VERSION).includes('2.0');
if (!glv2) {
log('override: using fallback webgl backend as webgl 2.0 is not detected');
instance.config.backend = 'webgl';
if (config.canvas) {
config.canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', async (e) => {
log('error: humangl:', e.type);
log('possible browser memory leak using webgl or conflict with multiple backend registrations');
throw new Error('backend error: webgl context lost');
// log('resetting humangl backend');
// env.initial = true;
// models.reset(instance);
// await tf.removeBackend(config.name);
// await register(instance); // re-register
config.canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', (e) => {
log('error: humangl context restored:', e);
config.canvas.addEventListener('webglcontextcreationerror', (e) => {
log('error: humangl context create:', e);
} catch (err) {
log('error: cannot get WebGL context:', err);
try {
tf.setWebGLContext(2, config.gl);
} catch (err) {
log('error: cannot set WebGL context:', err);
try {
const ctx = new tf.GPGPUContext(config.gl);
tf.registerBackend(config.name, () => new tf.MathBackendWebGL(ctx), config.priority);
} catch (err) {
log('error: cannot register WebGL backend:', err);
try {
const kernels = tf.getKernelsForBackend('webgl');
kernels.forEach((kernelConfig) => {
const newKernelConfig = { ...kernelConfig, backendName: config.name };
} catch (err) {
log('error: cannot update WebGL backend registration:', err);
const current = tf.backend().getGPGPUContext ? tf.backend().getGPGPUContext().gl : null;
if (current) {
log(`humangl webgl version:${current.getParameter(current.VERSION)} renderer:${current.getParameter(current.RENDERER)}`);
} else {
log('error: no current gl context:', current, config.gl);
try {
tf.ENV.set('WEBGL_VERSION', 2);
} catch (err) {
log('error: cannot set WebGL backend flags:', err);
log('backend registered:', config.name);