I'm trying to implement a gradient-free optimizer function to train convolutional neural networks with Julia using Flux.jl. The reference paper is this: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.05955. This paper proposes RSO, a gradient-free optimization algorithm updates single weight at a time on a sampling bases. The pseudocode of this algorithm is depicted in the picture below.
I'm using MNIST dataset.
function train(; kws...)
args = Args(; kws...) # collect options in a stuct for convinience
if CUDA.functional() && args.use_cuda
@info "Training on CUDA GPU"
device = gpu
@info "Training on CPU"
device = cpu
# Prepare datasets
x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = getdata(args, device)
# Create DataLoaders (mini-batch iterators)
train_loader = DataLoader((x_train, y_train), batchsize=args.batchsize, shuffle=true)
test_loader = DataLoader((x_test, y_test), batchsize=args.batchsize)
# Construct model
model = build_model() |> device
ps = Flux.params(model) # model's trainable parameters
best_param = ps
if args.optimiser == "SGD"
# Regular training step with SGD
elseif args.optimiser == "RSO"
# Run RSO function and update ps
best_param .= RSO(x_train, y_train, args.RSOupdate, model, args.batchsize, device)
And the corresponding RSO function:
function RSO(X,L,C,model, batch_size, device)
model = convolutional model structure
X = Input data
L = labels
C = Number of rounds to update parameters
W = Weight set of layers
Wd = Weight tensors of layer d that generates an activation
wid = weight tensor that generates an activation aᵢ
wj = a weight in wid
# Normalize input data to have zero mean and unit standard deviation
X .= (X .- sum(X))./std(X)
train_loader = DataLoader((X, L), batchsize=batch_size, shuffle=true)
#println("model = $(typeof(model))")
std_prep = []
σ_d = Float64[]
D = 1
for layer in model
D += 1
Wd = Flux.params(layer)
# Initialize the weights of the network with Gaussian distribution
for id in Wd
wj = convert(Array{Float32, 4}, rand(Normal(0, sqrt(2/length(id))), (3,3,4,4)))
id = wj
append!(std_prep, vec(wj))
# Compute std of all elements in the weight tensor Wd
push!(σ_d, std(std_prep))
W = Flux.params(model)
# Weight update
for _ in 1:C
d = D
while d > 0
for id in 1:length(W[d])
# Randomly sample change in weights from Gaussian distribution
for j in 1:length(w[d][id])
# Randomly sample mini-batch
(x, l) = train_loader[rand(1:length(train_loader))]
# Sample a weight from normal distribution
ΔWj[d][id][j] = rand(Normal(0, σ_d[d]), 1)
loss, acc = loss_and_accuracy(data_loader, model, device)
W = argmin(F(x,l, W+ΔWj), F(x,l,W), F(x,l, W-ΔWj))
d -= 1
return W
The problem here is the second block of the RSO function. I'm trying to evaluate the loss with the change of single weight in three scenarios, which are F(w, l, W+gW), F(w, l, W), F(w, l, W-gW)
, and choose the weight-set with minimum loss. But how do I do that using Flux.jl? The loss function I'm trying to use is logitcrossentropy(ŷ, y, agg=sum)
. In order to generate y_hat, we should use model(W), but changing single weight parameter in Zygote.Params() form was already challenging....
Based on the paper you shared, it looks like you need to change the weight arrays per each output neuron per each layer. Unfortunately, this means that the implementation of your optimization routine is going to depend on the layer type, since an "output neuron" for a convolution layer is quite different than a fully-connected layer. In other words, just looping over Flux.params(model)
is not going to be sufficient, since this is just a set of all the weight arrays in the model and each weight array is treated differently depending on which layer it comes from.
Fortunately, Julia's multiple dispatch does make this easier to write if you use separate functions instead of a giant loop. I'll summarize the algorithm using the pseudo-code below:
for layer in model
for output_neuron in layer
for weight_element in parameters(output_neuron)
weight_element = sample(N(0, sqrt(2 / num_outputs(layer))))
sigmas[layer] = stddev(parameters(layer))
for c in 1 to C
for layer in reverse(model)
for output_neuron in layer
for weight_element in parameters(output_neuron)
x, y = sample(batches)
dw = N(0, sigmas[layer])
# optimize weights
It's the for output_neuron ...
portions that we need to isolate into separate functions.
In the first block, we don't actually do anything different to every weight_element
, they are all sampled from the same normal distribution. So, we don't actually need to iterate the output neurons, but we do need to know how many there are.
using Statistics: std
# this function will set the weights according to the
# normal distribution and the number of output neurons
# it also returns the standard deviation of the weights
function sample_weight!(layer::Dense)
sample = randn(eltype(layer.weight), size(layer.weight))
num_outputs = size(layer.weight, 1)
# notice the "." notation which is used to mutate the array
layer.weight .= sample .* num_outputs
return std(layer.weight)
function sample_weight!(layer::Conv)
sample = randn(eltype(layer.weight), size(layer.weight))
num_outputs = size(layer.weight, 4)
# notice the "." notation which is used to mutate the array
layer.weight .= sample .* num_outputs
return std(layer.weight)
sigmas = map(sample_weights!, model)
Now, for the second block, we will do a similar trick by defining different functions for each layer.
function optimize_layer!(loss, layer::Dense, data, sigma)
for i in 1:size(layer.weight, 1)
for j in 1:size(layer.weight, 2)
wj = layer.weight[i, j]
x, y = data[rand(1:length(data))]
dw = randn() * sigma
ws = [wj + dw, wj, wj - dw]
losses = Float32[]
for (k, w) in enumerate(ws)
layer.weight[i, j] = w
losses[k] = loss(x, y)
layer.weight[i, j] = ws[argmin(losses)]
function optimize_layer!(loss, layer::Conv, data, sigma)
for i in 1:size(layer.weight, 4)
# we use a view to reference the full kernel
# for this output channel
wid = view(layer.weight, :, :, :, i)
# each index let's us treat wid like a vector
for j in eachindex(wid)
wj = wid[j]
x, y = data[rand(1:length(data))]
dw = randn() * sigma
ws = [wj + dw, wj, wj - dw]
losses = Float32[]
for (k, w) in enumerate(ws)
wid[j] = w
losses[k] = loss(x, y)
wid[j] = ws[argmin(losses)]
for c in 1:C
for (layer, sigma) in reverse(zip(model, sigmas))
optimize_layer!(layer, data, sigma) do x, y
logitcrossentropy(model(x), y; agg = sum)
Notice that nowhere did I use Flux.params
which does not help us here. Also, Flux.params
would include both the weight and bias, and the paper doesn't look like it bothers with the bias at all. If you had an optimization method that generically optimized any parameter regardless of layer type the same (i.e. like gradient descent), then you could use for p in Flux.params(model) ...