I am new to SML. I am trying to create a function that outputs a list of all prime numbers which are smaller than or equal to a given integer n > 2 using the Sieve of Eratosthenes. I am running into a problem however where the output is only showing as [1]. I would like to be able to have an input such as 5 and get [1,3,5] as a result.
This is my code so far, I am very new so I know it is most likely not written correctly.
fun createList(ending) =
fun createListX(start, ending) =
if start = ending then []
else start :: createListX(start + 1, ending)
createListX(1, ending + 1)
fun removeMult ([], n) = []
| removeMult (x::xs, n) =
if x mod n = 0 then
removeMult(xs, n)
x :: removeMult(xs, n);
fun sieve([], primes) = primes
| sieve(n::ns, primes) = sieve(removeMult(ns, n), n :: primes);
fun dosieve(n) = sieve(createList(n-1), []);
Your removeMult
function works nicely.
Your sieve
function works perfectly too. Too perfectly.
Consider what happens when you call dosieve(10)
for instance:
sieve(createList(9), [])
sieve([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], [])
From there:
sieve(removeMult([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 1), 1 :: [])
sieve([], [1])
Oops. You removed all multiples of 1
, but of course they're all multiples of 1
Perhaps something like:
fun sieve([], primes) = primes
| sieve(1::ns, primes) = sieve(ns, 1 :: primes)
| sieve(n::ns, primes) = sieve(removeMult(ns, n), n :: primes);