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AWS Batch command with no spaces?

I have a command I am trying to run, minimus2 <prefix> -D OVERLAP=100 -D MINID=95 -D THREADS=1 and there can be no spaces for the -D commands, e.g. minimus2 <prefix> -D OVERLAP 100 -D MINID 95 -D THREADS 1, will fail.

I've tried,


which returns minimus2 <prefix file> -D OVERLAP= 100 -D MINID= 95 -D THREADS= 1, this will add a space after the = and causes the command to fail. And,


Which doesn't work. How can I build an AWS Batch command where some parameters don't generate spaces?


  • Not ideal I know, but you could set your parameters to the whole string? For example:

    "parameters" : {"overlap" : "OVERLAP=THE_VALUE", ....}