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How to mock a template method that's in a template class in GTest?

I want to mock myFunction in google test and am having issues with the two templates.

template <class Outer>
class MyClass{
   template <class T>
   void myFunction(const int a, T * b);


  • First of all, Outer template type isn't an issue here since it is not used in myFunction signature.
    To handle type T you will need to fully specialize mocked method for all types used during testing.
    Imagine you want to test that method with T=std::string:

    template <class Outer>
    class MyClassMock {
        MOCK_METHOD(void, myFunction, (const int, std::string*));
        template <class T>
        void myFunction(const int a, T* b);
        template <>
        void myFunction(const int a, std::string* b)
            myFunction(a, b);

    If your tested function will have signature like this:

    template <typename TMyClass>
    void UseMyClassWithString(TMyClass& i_value)
        std::string t;
        i_value.myFunction(5, &t);

    Result test may looks like this:

    TEST(UseMyClass, ShouldCallMyFunction)
        MyClassMock<size_t> mock;
        EXPECT_CALL(mock, myFunction).Times(1);

    Here your Outer type is size_t and it is used only to create mock object.