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Ionic select: pre selecte value is invisible until clicked once

I just created an ion-select in ionic version 6. My problem is that i have successfully pre selected a value when the page loads, but this pre select value does not get shown in the UI?!

It just appears after I have clicked the select, but before it does not appear (as you can see on pic 2). I load the data in the ionViewWillEnter Method and pre select it with an NgModel!

You can see it here:

Looks like this when the page was loaded

Looks like this when I open the select (pre select value was succesful

HTML Code for the select

    <ion-item lines="inset">
      <ion-label hidden>Abteilungen wählen</ion-label>
      <ion-select (ionChange)="loadOpenTicketsForDepts()" style="min-width: 100%"
        placeholder="Abteilungen wählen..." multiple [(ngModel)]="selectedDepartments" cancelText="Abbruch"
        <ion-select-option value="{{}}" *ngFor="let dept of departments">

Typescript data loading:

  ionViewWillEnter(): void {
//1. get department where logged in emp is working in
this.authService.getPersNr().then((res) => {
  //now load dept
  this.ticketService.getEmployeeByName(res).subscribe(emp => {

    const costcenter = emp.costcentreId;

    this.costCentreService.getDepartmentById(costcenter).subscribe(dept => {
      //add to selected departments if it is not already in
      if (this.selectedDepartments.includes(String( == false) {
      //now load tickets for all selected departments

this.costCentreService.getDepartments().subscribe(res => {
  this.departments = res;



  • Add a reference to your selector named #departmentSelector:

     <ion-select #departmentSelector (ionChange)="loadOpenTicketsForDepts()" style="min-width: 100%"
        placeholder="Abteilungen wählen..." multiple [(ngModel)]="selectedDepartments" cancelText="Abbruch"
        <ion-select-option value="{{}}" *ngFor="let dept of departments">

    Then You could access it from your typscript class after view Loaded:

    Declare your reference:

      @ViewChild("departmentSelector") departmentSelector!: IonSelect;

    Then You Could access it when view fully loaded:

    //your async function ...
    this.authService.getPersNr().then((res) => {
      //now load dept
      this.ticketService.getEmployeeByName(res).subscribe(emp => {
        const costcenter = emp.costcentreId;
        this.costCentreService.getDepartmentById(costcenter).subscribe(dept => {
          //add to selected departments if it is not already in
          if (this.selectedDepartments.includes(String( == false) {
           // this.selectedDepartments.push(String(
    this.departmentSelector.value = String(;
          //now load tickets for all selected departments