I am doing some automation process using pyautogui
to get some files from Google Drive and send them to somewhere else.
So far it's working great if i am already logged in (just a small sample of the code):
import pyautogui
import pyperclip
pyautogui.alert('We going to start soon, press OK')
pyperclip.copy('the link to my google drive account')
pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v')
I know how i can change the above code to make it work if i am logged out. Just need to add some more lines of pyautogui.write
, pyautogui.press
and pyautogui.click
But, my question is, what can be done to do a checking if i am logged in already or not?
You could use pyautogui to check the colour of a pixel. All you have to do is find one pixel on the logged out screen of a different colour than the logged in screen and find its position and hexcode. replace the x and y in the following code of this pixel.
color = getpixel(x, y)
if color == (unique rgb value of logged out screen.)
#place the rest of your code