It seems every time I go to write a recursive function I end up making it return void and using a ref parameter.
I'd much rather be able to write a function that just returns a result list.
Apologies if the answer is very simple - for some reason it elludes me.
Here's the code I have now:
public static void GetResrouces(string startURL, ref List<XDocument> result)
var doc = XDocument.Parse(GetXml(startURL)); // GetXml ommitted - returns xml string
var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(resourceList));
var rdr = doc.CreateReader();
if (xs.CanDeserialize(rdr))
var rl = (resourceList)xs.Deserialize(doc.CreateReader());
foreach (var item in rl.resourceURL)
GetResrouces(startURL + item.location, ref result);
public partial class resourceList
private resourceListResourceURL[] resourceURLField;
private string locationField;
/// <remarks/>
public resourceListResourceURL[] resourceURL
return this.resourceURLField;
this.resourceURLField = value;
/// <remarks/>
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute(DataType = "anyURI")]
public string location
return this.locationField;
this.locationField = value;
I'd like to know if it can be rewritten to the prototype:
public static List<XDocument> GetResources(string startURL)
I guess something like:
public static List<XDocument> GetResources(string startURL)
var result = new List<XDocument>();
var doc = XDocument.Parse(GetXml(startURL));
var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(resourceList));
var rdr = doc.CreateReader();
if (xs.CanDeserialize(rdr))
var rl = (resourceList)xs.Deserialize(doc.CreateReader());
foreach (var item in rl.resourceURL)
result.AddRange(GetResources(startURL + item.location));
return result;