I have compiled a simple ASP.NET project to test first data global gateway API Integration.
Someone tell me what to do because I have tried everything.
It throws the ERROR if I use ASP.NET Development server:
<r_error> Unable to load certificate ERRs: wsa=33558530 err=33558530 ssl=537317504 sys=33558530. INFO: ACE_SSL (5260|6284) error code: 33558530 - error:02001002:lib(2):func(1):reason(2)
ERROR if I use Virtual Directory: This is generated when
//Call LPTxn
string resp = LPTxn.send(keyfile, host, port, outXml);
is done
ERROR: An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007000B)
Testing On:
Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
Project at the root have:
Web.Config just showing this to make sure:
<!-- Change this to your store number -->
<add key="Configfile" value="xxxxx"/>
<!-- Change this to the name and location of your certificate file -->
<add key="Keyfile" value="111222333.pem"/>
<add key="Host" value="xxx.xxx.net"/>
<add key="Port" value="1129"/>
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Below is the code I used. In particular take a look at how BuildOrderService sets up the certificate.
Public Class CLinkTransResponse
Public ApprovalCode As String
Public ErrorMessage As String
Public OrderId As String
Public TransactionID As String
Public TransactionResult As String
Public Sub New()
ApprovalCode = ""
ErrorMessage = ""
OrderId = ""
TransactionID = ""
TransactionResult = ""
End Sub
End Class
--XML File--
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- From .auth.txt-->
<!-- From .p12.pw.txt-->
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web
Friend Class CLinkPointSettings
Private sOrderServiceUrl As String
Private sP12File As String
Private sP12Pw As String
Private susername As String
Private spassword As String
Public Sub New()
' Read XML Link Point Settings File
Dim sXMLFile As String
sXMLFile = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/bin/xLinkPointSettings.xml")
If Not File.Exists(sXMLFile) Then
End If
' Read XML File
Dim oXmlDoc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument
sOrderServiceUrl = oXmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("OrderServiceUrl")(0).InnerText
sP12File = oXmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("P12File")(0).InnerText
sP12Pw = oXmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("P12Pw")(0).InnerText
susername = oXmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("username")(0).InnerText
spassword = oXmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("password")(0).InnerText
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property OrderServiceUrl() As String
Return sOrderServiceUrl
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property P12File() As String
Return sP12File
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property P12Pw() As String
Return sP12Pw
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Username() As String
Return susername
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Password As String
Return spassword
End Get
End Property
End Class
Imports FirstDataGlobalGateway.WebReference
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
Imports System.Net
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web
Public Class CLinkTransaction
Public Sub New()
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = False
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' charge credit card
''' </summary>
''' <param name="cardNumber">Credit Card Number</param>
''' <param name="expMonth">expiry month</param>
''' <param name="expYear">expiry year</param>
''' <param name="chargeTotal">charge total(including tax,vat etc)</param>
''' <param name="billingInfo">Client Billing Information</param>
''' <returns>Returns True/False Transaction result</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function ChargeCreditCard(ByVal cardNumber As String, ByVal expMonth As String, _
ByVal expYear As String, _
ByVal ccv As String, _
ByVal chargeTotal As Decimal, _
ByVal billingInfo As Billing, ByRef transResponse As CLinkTransResponse) As Boolean
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderService As FDGGWSApiOrderService = BuildOrderService()
' Create sale transaction request
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest As New FDGGWSApiOrderRequest()
Dim oTransaction As New Transaction()
Dim oCreditCardTxType As New CreditCardTxType()
oCreditCardTxType.Type = CreditCardTxTypeType.sale
Dim oCreditCardData As New CreditCardData()
oCreditCardData.ItemsElementName = New ItemsChoiceType() {ItemsChoiceType.CardNumber, ItemsChoiceType.ExpMonth, ItemsChoiceType.ExpYear}
oCreditCardData.Items = New String() {cardNumber, expMonth, expYear}
oTransaction.Items = New Object() {oCreditCardTxType, oCreditCardData}
Dim oPayment As New Payment() With {.ChargeTotal = chargeTotal}
'' Set Billing Information
'Dim oBilling As New Billing()
'oBilling.Address1 = billingInfo.Address1
'oBilling.Address2 = billingInfo.Address2
'oBilling.City = billingInfo.City
'oBilling.Company = billingInfo.Company
'oBilling.Country = billingInfo.Country
'oBilling.CustomerID = billingInfo.CustomerID
'oBilling.Email = billingInfo.Email
'oBilling.Fax = billingInfo.Fax
'oBilling.Name = billingInfo.Name
'oBilling.Phone = billingInfo.Phone
'oBilling.State = billingInfo.State
'oBilling.Zip = billingInfo.Zip
oTransaction.Billing = billingInfo
oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest.Item = oTransaction
' Get Response
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse As FDGGWSApiOrderResponse
oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse = Nothing
oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse = oFDGGWSApiOrderService.FDGGWSApiOrder(oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest)
transResponse.ApprovalCode = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.ApprovalCode
transResponse.TransactionResult = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.TransactionResult
transResponse.ErrorMessage = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.ErrorMessage
transResponse.OrderId = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.OrderId
transResponse.TransactionID = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.TransactionID
If (transResponse.TransactionResult.ToLower() <> "approved") Then
Return False
End If
Return True
Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
transResponse.ErrorMessage = ex.Message
Return False
End Try
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Perfrom Refund
''' </summary>
''' <param name="orderID">Order ID</param>
''' <param name="chargeTotal">Charge Total (Including Taxes)</param>
''' <param name="transResponse">Transaction Response</param>
''' <returns>Returns True/False</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function PerformRefund(ByVal orderID As String, ByVal chargeTotal As Decimal, ByRef transResponse As CLinkTransResponse) As Boolean
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderService As FDGGWSApiOrderService = BuildOrderService()
' Create sale transaction request
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest As New FDGGWSApiOrderRequest()
Dim oTransaction As New Transaction()
Dim oCreditCardTxType As New CreditCardTxType()
oCreditCardTxType.Type = CreditCardTxTypeType.return
oTransaction.Items = New Object() {oCreditCardTxType}
Dim oPayment As New Payment()
oPayment.ChargeTotal = chargeTotal
oTransaction.Payment = oPayment
Dim oTransactionDetails As New TransactionDetails()
oTransactionDetails.OrderId = orderID
oTransaction.TransactionDetails = oTransactionDetails
oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest.Item = oTransaction
' Get Response
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse As FDGGWSApiOrderResponse
oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse = Nothing
oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse = oFDGGWSApiOrderService.FDGGWSApiOrder(oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest)
transResponse.ApprovalCode = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.ApprovalCode
transResponse.TransactionResult = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.TransactionResult
transResponse.ErrorMessage = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.ErrorMessage
transResponse.OrderId = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.OrderId
transResponse.TransactionID = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.TransactionID
If (transResponse.TransactionResult.ToLower() <> "approved") Then
Return False
End If
Return True
Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
transResponse.ErrorMessage = ex.Message
Return False
End Try
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Check Sale Transaction
''' </summary>
''' <param name="teleCheckData">TeleCheckData</param>
''' <param name="chargeTotal">Charge Total</param>
''' <param name="transResponse">Transaction Response</param>
''' <returns>Returns True/False</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function CheckSaleTransaction(ByVal teleCheckData As TeleCheckData, ByVal chargeTotal As Decimal, ByRef transResponse As CLinkTransResponse) As Boolean
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderService As FDGGWSApiOrderService = BuildOrderService()
' Create sale transaction request
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest As New FDGGWSApiOrderRequest()
Dim oTransaction As New Transaction()
Dim oTeleCheckTxType As New TeleCheckTxType()
oTeleCheckTxType.Type = CreditCardTxTypeType.sale
oTransaction.Items = New Object() {oTeleCheckTxType, teleCheckData}
Dim oPayment As New Payment()
oPayment.ChargeTotal = chargeTotal
oTransaction.Payment = oPayment
oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest.Item = oTransaction
' Get Response
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse As FDGGWSApiOrderResponse
oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse = Nothing
oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse = oFDGGWSApiOrderService.FDGGWSApiOrder(oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest)
transResponse.ApprovalCode = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.ApprovalCode
transResponse.TransactionResult = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.TransactionResult
transResponse.ErrorMessage = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.ErrorMessage
transResponse.OrderId = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.OrderId
transResponse.TransactionID = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.TransactionID
If (transResponse.TransactionResult.ToLower() <> "approved") Then
Return False
End If
Return True
Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
transResponse.ErrorMessage = ex.Message
Return False
End Try
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Void Transaction
''' </summary>
''' <param name="orderID">Order ID</param>
''' <param name="chargeTotal">Charge Total (Including Taxes)</param>
''' <param name="transResponse">Transaction Response</param>
''' <returns>Returns True/False</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Public Function VoidTransaction(ByVal orderID As String, ByVal chargeTotal As Decimal, ByRef transResponse As CLinkTransResponse) As Boolean
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderService As FDGGWSApiOrderService = BuildOrderService()
' Create sale transaction request
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest As New FDGGWSApiOrderRequest()
Dim oTransaction As New Transaction()
Dim oTeleCheckTxType As New TeleCheckTxType()
oTeleCheckTxType.Type = CreditCardTxTypeType.void
oTransaction.Items = New Object() {oTeleCheckTxType}
Dim oPayment As New Payment()
oPayment.ChargeTotal = chargeTotal
oTransaction.Payment = oPayment
Dim oTransactionDetails As New TransactionDetails()
oTransactionDetails.OrderId = orderID
oTransaction.TransactionDetails = oTransactionDetails
oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest.Item = oTransaction
' Get Response
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse As FDGGWSApiOrderResponse
oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse = Nothing
oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse = oFDGGWSApiOrderService.FDGGWSApiOrder(oFDGGWSApiOrderRequest)
transResponse.ApprovalCode = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.ApprovalCode
transResponse.TransactionResult = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.TransactionResult
transResponse.ErrorMessage = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.ErrorMessage
transResponse.OrderId = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.OrderId
transResponse.TransactionID = oFDGGWSApiOrderResponse.TransactionID
If (transResponse.TransactionResult.ToLower() <> "approved") Then
Return False
End If
Return True
Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
transResponse.ErrorMessage = ex.Message
Return False
End Try
End Function
Private Function BuildOrderService() As FDGGWSApiOrderService
Dim olinkpoint As New CLinkPointSettings()
ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = False
Dim oFDGGWSApiOrderService As New FDGGWSApiOrderService()
oFDGGWSApiOrderService.Url = olinkpoint.OrderServiceUrl
' Configure Client Certificate
New X509Certificate(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/bin/" + olinkpoint.P12File), olinkpoint.P12Pw))
' Initialize Netwokr Credentials
Dim oNetworkCredentials As New NetworkCredential(olinkpoint.Username, olinkpoint.Password)
' Assign network creditials
oFDGGWSApiOrderService.Credentials = oNetworkCredentials
Return oFDGGWSApiOrderService
End Function
End Class