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Drawing an arrow with rotation just using coordinates of edges in python

I tried to draw an arrow between to coordinates but couldn't succeed.Let's say i got two points.Like coord1=(34,56) and coord2=(83,51) i need to draw an arrow between coord1 to coord2 but arrow must me angled.If i use just pyplot marker style ">" ,every arrow looks same, not angled. Then i find arrow guide from matplotlib here I change the numbers like what i want but i didn't work.Why?Or anyone knows how to draw an arrow with coordinate system.Thanks.


  • You can use annotate to draw an arrow:

    fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.annotate('', xytext=(34, 56), xy=(83, 51), arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->'))
    ax.set(xlim=(30, 90), ylim=(50, 60))

    enter image description here