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Download Artifactory Folder as an Archive using PowerShell

I'm trying to download an Artifactory folder as a tar.gz file using the PowerShell command line. In Bash, the following command does the job:

    curl -i -v -XGET -H 'X-JFrog-Art-Api:<my API key>' "https://artifactory.<>/path/to/files?archiveType=tar.gz" --output ./file_location/filename.tar.gz

In PowerShell, however, this doesn't seem to work:

    Invoke-RestMethod -uri "https://artifactory.<>/path/to/files?archiveType=tar.gz" -Method 'Get' -OutFile .\file_location\filename.tar.gz -H @{'X-JFrog-Art-Api' ='<my API key>';'Content-Type'='multipart/form-data'}

This operation creates filename.tar.gz, but the file is just a HTML file giving the directory structure rather than the actual files.

If I only want an individual file, I can use PowerShell to download files (not an archive) with:

    Invoke-RestMethod -uri "https://artifactory.<>/path/to/files/" -Method 'Get' -OutFile .\file_location\ -H @{'X-JFrog-Art-Api' ='<my API key>';'Content-Type'='multipart/form-data'}

And is transferred to the local machine. So I'm a bit confused with why the tool to make an archive fails.


  • I figured it out!

    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://my-artifactory-server/artifactory/api/archive/download/path/to/some/folder?archiveType=zip -Method "Get" -Headers @{"Authorization"="Basic $my_artifactory_api_token"; 'Content-Type'='multipart/form-data'} -Outfile c:\destination_location\

    You need to add "api/archive/download" to the Uri, after the hostname.