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Issues when deploying flask app to Heroku

I have recently gone through this flask tutorial and am now attempting to deploy my application to heroku.

I am able to run the app locally using the command gunicorn "platform:create_app()". Due to that command working I added a Procfile which contains web: gunicorn platform.'create_app()' but when I try to deploy to Heroku I'm receiving the error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'platform.create_app()'.


  • I searched around and couldn't find a really clear answer to this question, although I think this thread and specifically this answer might help to shed some light.

    What I can tell you is that none of the Procfiles I have ever created for Flask apps to deploy in Heroku contained .py or parentheses.

    A typical Procfile for me looks like this:

    web: gunicorn app:app

    Then in the same directory is the main app file that contains a line:

    app = Flask(__name__)

    As far as I can tell the first app in the command points to the file (module), and the second to the variable app that is defined as Flask(__name__).

    So for your case the following should work:

    web: gunicorn platform:app

    Assuming you have a Python module named and then inside that file you would need to have a line

    app = create_app()

    The create_app() function in the tutorial you referenced returns a Flask object so that should do the job.