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How to use `expr` when there's an optional substring in the regex?

I want to find the go[^ ]+ inside these two strings using expr. The output should be 1.17.6 and 1.18-becaeea119.

go version go1.17.6 linux/amd64
go version devel go1.18-becaeea119 Tue Dec 14 17:43:51 2021 +0000 linux/amd64

However, the devel part is optional and I can't figure out a way to properly ignore it with expr.

expr "$(go version)" : ".*go version go\([^ ]*\) .*"
expr "$(go version)" : ".*go version devel go\([^ ]*\) .*"

Using normal regexes, I would just (?: devel)? it, but expr doesn't support ? for some reason.

Is there any way to achieve this using expr in one command?


  • Use

    .*go version.* go\([^[:space:]]*\) .*


      .*                       any character (0 or more times)
      go version               'go version'
      .*                       any character (0 or more times)
       go                      ' go'
      \(                       group and capture to \1:
        [^[:space:]]*            any character except: whitespace
                                 characters (0 or more times)
      \)                       end of \1
                               ' '
      .*                       any character (0 or more times)