I am having a hard time getting a verification system for a US phone numbers working.
Please note that I am a self studied 'dev' that is just trying some things for curiosity and that my knowledge is very limited
okay so as mentioned i am trying to validate a US phone number from a LineEdit, the number should be in the following format +1 000-000-0000
so after some searching on google i found a post that helped me setup a verification, but i cannot get it to work for my format,
//QRegExp nv("^\\+?(1 |)[0-9]{3}+(-|)[0-9]{3}+(-|)[0-9]{3}+(-|)[0-9]{4}$");
QRegExp nv("^\\+1(\\d{10})$");
bool regMat = nv.exactMatch(num);
if(regMat == false)
QMessageBox *message = new QMessageBox(this);
message->setText("Please insert a valid phone number");
return false;
return true;
now I'm not sure what language this is (I'm guessing JavaScript)
("^\\+?(1 |)[0-9]{3}+(-|)[0-9]{3}+(-|)[0-9]{3}+(-|)[0-9]{4}$")
but I cannot seem to get my head around why it is not accepting number in the format that I want, and keeps prompting the error message
I got this working using a site that someone on discordd suggested: https://ihateregex.io/expr/phone/#
turns out my REGEX
("^\\+?(1 |)[0-9]{3}+(-|)[0-9]{3}+(-|)[0-9]{3}+(-|)[0-9]{4}$")
has one to many
iterations... and these where also stated incorrectly:
after some testing I got this to to work for me:
QRegExp nv("^\\+?(1 |)[0-9]{3}\\-[0-9]{3}\\-[0-9]{4}$");