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js build object path in property assignment

is there a way to automatically create subobjects in an assignment after construction, i.e.

var obj = {};

the above gives me a "obj.a is undefined" error

i wrote a function to do this, but wondered if there was an easier way

function _setObjectProperty(obj,value,loc)
    if(loc.length>1) {
        obj[loc[0]] = obj[loc[0]] || {};
    else if(loc.length===1) {


  • No, there's no built in way to do this in JavaScript. The only way is to create your own function like you did. If you want the convenience of the dot operator/notation you can use the following function:

    var set = function(path, value, root) {
      var segments = path.split('.'),
          cursor = root || window,
      for (i = 0; i < segments.length - 1; ++i) {
         segment = segments[i];
         cursor = cursor[segment] = cursor[segment] || {};
      return cursor[segments[i]] = value;
    set("a.b.c", 2);
    console.log(a.b.c) // => 2