image_id | class_1_rle | class_2_rle | class_3_rle |
0002cc93b.jpg |
29102 12 29346 24... |
0007a71bf.jpg |
18661 28 18863 82... |
000a4bcdd.jpg |
131973 1 132228 4... |
229501 11 229741 33... |
I am trying to create the tfrecords
using the above table. I need to get together the rle
(Run Length Encoding) feature in the form of rle
per class. Eg. the feature in the final tfrecord
looks like
img_id: b'0002cc93b.jpg'
rle: [b'1 0' b'29102 12 29346 24...' b'1 0']
img_id: b'000a4bcdd.jpg'
rle: [b'131973 1 132228 4...' b'1 0' b'229501 11 229741 33...']
The rle
feature should contain the rles
for all the 3 masks for the corresponding image as strings and empty rle
should be encoded as '1 0'
I tried using a list. But it gives the following error
TypeError: ['29102 12 29346 24 29602 24 29858 24 30114 24 30370 24 30626 24 30882 24 31139 23 31395 23 31651 23 has type list, but expected one of: bytes
I found an overall solution that suits my case.
The specific solution of storing multiple values in a feature.
Used pandas to replace empty rles in the df as'1 0'
A function to grab the rles corresponding to the image from the df.
def rle_class_1(image_id):
temp_df = df['class_1_rle'][df['image_id'] == image_id]
for rle in temp_df:
rle_tensor = tf.constant(rle)
return rle_tensor.numpy()
Similar functions for class_2 and class_3.
Create tfrecord
paths_dict = dict(zip(file_ids, file_paths))
def _bytestring_feature(list_of_bytestrings):
return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=list_of_bytestrings))
def _int_feature(list_of_ints):
return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=list_of_ints))
def image_bits_from_id(image_id):
image =[image_id])
image = tf.constant(image)
image_bits = tf.image.encode_jpeg(image, optimize_size=True, chroma_downsampling=False)
image_bits = image_bits.numpy()
return image_bits
def create_tfrec_example(image_id):
image = image_bits_from_id(image_id)
rle_1 = rle_class_1(image_id)
rle_2 = rle_class_2(image_id)
rle_3 = rle_class_3(image_id)
feature = {
'image': _bytestring_feature([image]),
'img_id': _bytestring_feature([image_id.encode()]),
'rle': _bytestring_feature([rle_1, rle_2, rle_3])
tfrec_example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature))
return tfrec_example
Parse and view record
def parse_tfrecord_fn(example):
features = {
'image':[], tf.string),
'img_id':[], tf.string)
features['rle'] =[3], tf.string)
example =, features)
example["image"] =["image"], channels=3)
return example
raw_dataset =[0]) # TFREC is a shard
parsed_dataset =
for features in parsed_dataset.take(5):
for key in features.keys():
if key != "image":
print(f"{key}: {features[key]}")
print(f"Image shape: {features['image'].shape}")
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
img_id: b'0002cc93b.jpg'
rle: [b'29102 12 29346 24 29602 24 29858 24... '
b'1 0' b'1 0']
Image plot