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Ansible: How to categorize files by permissions?

Im trying to categorize the files based on their permissions and I have a problem with the JSON query.

The output I like to categorize


[email protected]:~$ stat -c '%a %n' $(pwd)/*
644 /home/user/go
755 /home/user/sshified
644 /home/user/test.yaml


[email protected]:~$ find / -perm -4000 -type f -exec stat -c '%a %n' {} 2>/dev/null \;
4755 /usr/bin/mtr
4755 /bin/su
4777 /bin/app1

The query which doesn't give any output back.

Ansible Code

   - name: Find binaries with suid bit set 
       cmd: stat -c '%a %n' folder/* 
     register: files-with-write
     failed_when: files-with-write.rc != 1 and files-with-write.rc != 0
     changed_when: false

   - set_fact:
     writeable_files: "{{files-with-write| to_json | from_json |json_query(\"[?ends_with(mode, '7') == `true`].{gr_name: gr_name, mode: mode, path: path }\") }}"

   - debug:
     - "files: {{writeable_files}}


  • Use find module and see what attributes are available in the registered results. For example, given the files

    shell> stat -c '%a %n' test-476/*
    644 test-476/go
    755 test-476/sshified
    664 test-476/test.yaml

    the debug below lists the registered attributes of the files

        - find:
            paths: test-476
            recurse: true
          register: result
        - debug:
            var: result.files.0.keys()|list|to_yaml


      result.files.0.keys()|list|to_yaml: |-
        [path, mode, isdir, ischr, isblk, isreg, isfifo, islnk, issock, uid, gid, size, inode,
         dev, nlink, atime, mtime, ctime, gr_name, pw_name, wusr, rusr, xusr, wgrp, rgrp,
         xgrp, woth, roth, xoth, isuid, isgid]

    For example, use the attribute wgrp to select group-writable files

        - set_fact:
            group_writeable_files: "{{ result.files|selectattr('wgrp') }}"
        - debug:
            msg: "{{ group_writeable_files|map(attribute='path')|list }}"


      - test-476/test.yaml