Can someone explain how to get the ObjectGUID the same as is returned from dsquery except using powershell?
As an example.
Get-ADGroup "MyGroup" -Properties ObjectGUID
dsquery (application uses DSQuery don't have the command it uses)
Edit - For clarity, I want to query the AD Group in powershell and get the DSQuery result for ObjectGUID. I do not want the powershell result for ObjectGUID.
The output from dsquery
is the raw underlying binary GUID, base64-encoded.
To convert between the two formats:
# GUID to base64
$guidInstance = [guid]::new('32359aec-2e77-4b0c-b525-3e9a39083314')
# base64 to GUID
$binaryGUID = [convert]::FromBase64String('7Jo1MncuDEu1JT6aOQgzFA==')