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FPGA LUTs for combinational logic

I'm having trouble finding direct answers to how FPGA-level LUTs are accessed/implemented in simple modules (I'll provide an example below). Referring to the top answer on this post,, the type of LUT I'm trying to understand is the first one listed (FPGA-level).

For example, let's say I had the following module:

module RightRotation
  input logic clk
  input logic [2:0] din
  output logic [2:0] dout

always@(clk) begin
  dout[0] <= din[2];
  dout[1] <= din[0];
  dout[2] <= din[1];

If I were to implement this module with a FPGA-level LUT with 3 inputs and 1 output, how many lookups would it take (for instance, is a value looked up every time a value is assigned with a nonblocking statement in the always@)? How would this answer change if I had 4, or 5, or 6 inputs?


  • After fixing syntax errors, Vivado produces these results for utilization and implementation.

    N inputs would use N flops in your design.

    enter image description here

    Vendor datasheets can help understand look up tables, CLBs, slices etc.
    Example here: