I want to decrypt server data where can I decrypt it in android using retrofit
before using enc/dec I get this data from server
"success": true,
"secret": "NVARWBA4MAGSAW2F"
When I hit this API
@Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
suspend fun addUser(@Body addUser: AddUser): Response<com.pryze.repository.model.User>
and after using enc/dec in response from server only I get encrypted text
and my app is crushed due to illegal response how can I solve this where I can put my dec code to first decrypt it then assign that to the response.
please try this code in your inspector class for Encryption and Decryption both.
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
if (!isInternetAvailable()){
throw NoInternetException("Make sure you have an active data connection")
try {
val aesUtil = AesUtil(keySize, iterationCount)
var request: Request = chain.request()
val buffer = Buffer()
val strOldBody: String = buffer.readUtf8()
val encText = aesUtil.encrypt(salt,iv,passphrase,strOldBody)
val mediaType: MediaType? = "text/plain; charset=utf-8".toMediaTypeOrNull()
val strNewBody: String = encText
val body: RequestBody = RequestBody.create(mediaType, strNewBody)
request = request.newBuilder().addHeader("authorization", "Bearer " + t.getToken("JWT")).header("Content-Length", body.contentLength().toString()).method(request.method, body).build()
var req= chain.proceed(request)
var enc_data=""+req.body?.string().toString()
enc_data = aesUtil.decrypt(salt,iv,passphrase,enc_data)
return req.newBuilder().body(ResponseBody.create(req.body?.contentType(), enc_data)).build()
catch (e:ServiceConfigurationError){
catch (e: SSLHandshakeException){
throw NoInternetException("Request Time Out")
catch (e: ConnectException){
throw NoInternetException("Request Time Out")
catch (e: SocketTimeoutException){
throw NoInternetException("Make sure you have an active data connection")
catch (e:UnknownHostException){
throw NoInternetException("Make sure you have an active data connection")
catch (e: ErrnoException){
throw NoInternetException("Request Time Out")
throw NoInternetException("Request Time Out")