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Which problems will application verifier find in its default settings?

By default, Application Verifier has these settings turned on:

Default settings

Which tests will it perform in that configuration?


  • Each checkbox in that list can be right-clicked to see more details. In the "Verifier Stop Options", you can see the Stop number and a description. By default, there are 106 verifier stops activated (in Windows 10 21H2; the number may change with new Windows versions).

    These 106 checks are:


    650 [...] application is trying to run code from an address that is non-executable or free.


    300 [...] invalid handle to system routines
    301 [...] invalid TLS index to TLS system routines
    302 [...] WaitForMultipleObjects with NULL as the address of the array of handles to wait for or with zero as the number of handles
    303 [...] passed a NULL handle to system routines
    304 [...] running code inside the DllMain function of one of the DLLs loaded in the current process and it calls WaitForSingleObject or WaitForMultipleObjects
    305 [...] calling an API with a handle to an object with an incorrect object type


    001 Not used right now.
    002 [...] Typically it is caused by a buffer overrun error
    003 A heap created with HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag is not supposed to be accessed simultaneously from two threads
    004 [...] HeapAlloc() or HeapReAlloc() operation the size of the block is above any reasonable value
    005 Magic value of heap structure destroyed
    006 [...] block gets allocated in one heap and freed in another
    007 [...] block is freed twice
    008 [...] corruption in the heap block
    009 [...] try to destroy the default process heap
    00A [...] access violation is raised in illegitimate situations
    00B [...] cannot determine any particular type of corruption for the block
    00C [...] cannot determine any particular type of corruption for the block
    00D [...] written to after being freed
    00E Freed blocks are sometimes marked non-accessible and a program touching them will access violate
    00F [...] buffer overrun errors
    010 [...] buffer underruns
    011 [...] buffer underruns
    012 [...] buffer underruns
    013 [...] Typically it is caused by a buffer overrun error
    014 [...] while calling GetProcessHeaps the page heap manager detects some internal inconsistencies


    900 [...] owner dll of the allocation was dynamically unloaded while owning resources
    901 [...] owner dll of the handle was dynamically unloaded while owning resources
    902 [...] owner dll of the registry key was dynamically unloaded while owning resources
    903 [...] owner dll of the virtual reservation was dynamically unloaded while owning resources
    904 [...] owner dll of the SysString was dynamically unloaded while owning resources
    905 [...] dll registered for power notification and was dynamically unloaded without unregistering
    906 [...] owner dll of the COM allocation was dynamically unloaded while owning resources


    200 [...] thread is terminated, suspended or is in a state  in which it cannot hold a critical section
    201 [...] global variable containing a critical section and the DLL is unloaded but the critical section has not been deleted
    202 [...] heap allocation contains a critical section, the allocation is freed and the critical section has not been deleted
    203 [...] critical section has been initialized more than one time
    204 [...] memory containing a critical section was freed but the critical section has not been deleted
    205 [...] DebugInfo field of the critical section is pointing freed memory
    206 [...] owner thread ID is invalid in the current context
    207 [...] recursion count field of the critical section structure is invalid
    208 [...] critical section is owned by a thread if it is deleted or if the critical section is uninitialized
    209 [...] critical section is released more times than the current thread acquired it
    210 [...] critical section is used without being initialized or after it has been deleted
    211 [...] critical section is reinitialized by the current thread
    212 [...] current thread is calling VirtualFree on a memory block that contains an active critical section
    213 [...] current thread is calling UnmapViewOfFile on a memory block that contains an active critical section
    214 [...] calling LeaveCriticalSection but, according to the internal verifier bookkeeping, it doesn't own any critical section
    215 [...] current thread tries to use a private lock that lives inside another DLL


    600 [...] VirtualFree or a DLL unload with an invalid start address or size of the memory allocation
    601 [...] VirtualAlloc call with an invalid start address or size of the memory allocation
    602 [...] MapViewOfFile call with an invalid base address or size of the mapping
    603 [...] IsBadXXXPtr call with an invalid address
    604 [...] IsBadXXXPtr call for a memory allocation that is free
    605 [...] IsBadXXXPtr call for a memory allocation that contains at least one GUARD_PAGE
    606 [...] IsBadXXXPtr call with a NULL address
    607 [...] IsBadXXXPtr call with an invalid start address or invalid size for the memory buffer to be probed
    608 [...] DLL unload with an invalid start address or size of the DLL memory range
    609 [...] VirtualFree for a block of memory that is actually part of the current thread's stack
    60A [...] VirtualFree with an incorrect value for the FreeType parameter
    60B [...] VirtualFree for an address that is already free
    60C [...] VirtualFree (MEM_RELEASE) with a non-zero value for the dwSize parameter
    60D [...] DllMain function is raising an exception
    60E [...] thread function is raising an exception
    60F [...] exception during an IsBadXXXPtr call
    610 [...] VirtualFree (MEM_RESET) call with a NULL first parameter
    612 [...] HeapFree, for a block of memory that is actually part of the current thread's stack
    613 [...] UnmapViewOfFile, for a block of memory that is actually part of the current thread's stack
    614 [...] use NULL or some other incorrect address as the address of a valid object
    615 [...] use NULL or some other incorrect address as the address of a valid object
    616 [...] run code from an address that is non-executable or free
    617 [...] exception while initializing a buffer specified as output parameter for a Win32 or CRT API
    618 [...] calling HeapSize for a heap block that is being freed
    619 [...] VirtualFree (MEM_RELEASE) with an lpAddress parameter that is not the base address
    61A [...] UnmapViewOfFile with an lpBaseAddress parameter that is not [correct]
    61B [...] callback function in the threadpool thread is raising an exception
    61C [...] run code from an address that is non-executable or free
    61D [...] creating an executable heap
    61E [...] allocating executable memory


    250 [...] trying to use the SRW lock that is not initialized
    251 [...] SRW lock is being re-initialized
    252 [...] SRW lock is being released with a wrong release API
    253 [...] SRW lock is being acquired recursively by the same thread
    254 [...] thread that owns the SRW lock is exiting or being terminated
    255 [...] SRW lock is being released by the thread that didn't acquire the lock
    256 [...] memory address being freed contains an active SRW lock that is still in use
    257 [...] DLL being unloaded contains an active SRW lock that is still in use


    700 [...] thread priority is changed when it's returned to threadpool
    701 [...] thread affinity is changed when it's returned to threadpool
    702 [...] message left as unprocessed when this threadpool thread is returned to the pool
    703 [...] window is kept alive when this threadpool thread is returned to the pool.
    704 [...] ExitThread is called on a threadpool thread
    705 [...] call back function change the thread token to impersonate another user and forgot to reset it
    706 Threadpool thread requiring a persistent thread, e.g. to access TLS
    707 [...] call back function forgot to close or reset the current transaction handle
    708 [...] call back function calls CoInit and CoUnInit unbalanced
    709 [...] period to signal the timer is not zero when the timer is set to signal only once
    70A [...] loader lock is held within the callback and is not released when the thread is returned to the threadpool
    70B [...] preferred language is set within the callback and is not cleared when the thread is returned to the threadpool
    70C [...]  background priority is set within the callback and is not disabled when the thread is returned to the threadpool
    70D [...] TerminateThread is called on a threadpool thread


    350 [...] DLL that allocated a TLS index is being unloaded before freeing that TLS index
    351 [...] internal verifier structures used to store the state of TLS slots for thread are corrupted
    352 [...] invalid TLS index is used