I want to reduce the height of an expansionTile,
I have tried ConfigurableExpansionTile but it doesn't support null safety so I can't use it in my project.
I have also wrapped my ExpansionTile in ListTileTheme as such :
return ListTileTheme(
dense: true,
child: ExpansionTile(
It reduce the height but still not enough for me.
Thanks for helping if you have a solution.
I dont know about ExpansionTile but you can use ExpandablePanel, which can serve your purpose and you can easily custom the heights of the widgets. Also it supports null-safety.
theme: const ExpandableThemeData(
//tapBodyToExpand: true,
//tapBodyToCollapse: true,
hasIcon: false,
header: Expandable(
collapsed: buildCollapsed(), // widget header when the widget is Collapsed
expanded: buildExpanded(), // header when the widget is Expanded
collapsed: Container(), // body when the widget is Collapsed, I didnt need anything here.
expanded: expandedColumn() // body when the widget is Expanded