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GraphQL use simple object instead create specific type on schema

im new in graphql, and what i want to achieve is simplify this schema:

input UserQueryFilter {
   email: String
input UserQueryInput {
    filter: UserQueryFilter
    anotherArgs: String

type User {
   email: String!

Query { 
    User (input: UserQueryInput) : [User]

into this:

input UserQueryFilter {
   email: String

type User {
   email: String!

Query { 
    User (input: { filter: UserQueryFilter }, anotherArgs: String ) : [User]

but i got :

Syntax Error: Expected Name, found "{".","locations":[{"line":183,"column":20}] ...

when it comes to more complex application, it will become easier to code on the second one. is there anything can do about it?

Thanks for your help!


  • The second schema is syntactically wrong. After a semicolon, always a Type will be expected. This type may be default types like String, ID, Int etc, or a custom type. Specifically for query params, it should be a default type or an Input type. Otherwise, as you mentioned, the buildSchema method will throw an error while parsing the entire schema.