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Sorting memory fixing Byte order Endian

I am struggeling with a problem on an embedded system. I have to program in C which is quite the task for me as i usualy work in object based programming languages. In this system two processors share memory and they handle data differntly, i am pretty sure the issue has to do with endian encoding, but after 3 hours of failed attempts to make a single function to fix this i am seeking for help. I struggle immensly with casting and and pointer handeling.

The situation: I store two (or more) floats (or other types) in a buffer lets say for this example its {1.0f , 1.0f}. This ends up with the byte representation of {3F,80,00,00,3F,80,00,00} if the other processor reinterprets the data it gets negative or rediculously high exponential numbers depending on the input.

So what am i trying to achive? A function that fixes this order where the endian encoding is reversed.

void fixEncoding(void *StoredData, uint8_t variableSizeInBytes, uint8_t buffer size)

The parameters would be a pointer to my stored data {3F,80,00,00,3F,80,00,00} the size of the variables encoded within (4 for a float for example or sizeof(float)) and the stored datas size

input {3F,80,00,00,3F,80,00,00} , 4, 8

input {3F,80,00,00,3F,80,00,00} , 2, 8


  • Swapping bytes in an element is a common idiom: you go up to the half of the bytes and exchange with the symetric byte. You just have to iterate your buffer as bytes, element by element.

    Code could be:

    void fixEncoding(void* StoredData, uint8_t variableSizeInBytes, uint8_t buffer_size) {
        char* data = StoredData;    // must be char to be able to use pointer arithmetics
        while (buffer_size > 0) {
            int i;
            // swap the element at data
            for (i = 0; i < variableSizeInBytes / 2; i++) {
                int j = variableSizeInBytes - i - 1;
                char t = data[i];
                data[i] = data[j];
                data[j] = t;
            // skip to next element
            data += variableSizeInBytes;
            buffer_size -= variableSizeInBytes;