I've got an old VB4 app I want to look at to convert/re-write into something maintainable.
I have the source, but of course, nothing to compile it with, and VS2010 doesn't like the vbp and won't open it.
Although it installs, it won't run - failing with an out of memory error. I want to try an updated version of Jet 3.0, but I can't seem to get the files referenced in this link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/q151186/
So a few questions:
1) Where is the latest version of Jet 3.0?
2) Is running the app in VB4/5/6 the only viable option to be able to view the forms, designers, etc to convert the app?
If you can find a version of VB4, or Access 95, then this would come with JET3.
2) Realistically you would need VB4 to have the best chance of opening this. Try to find someone who has some old MSDN disk sets.
You might try a later version. The jump from VB4 to 6 might be too much. I imagine it would open but perhaps not run in VB5 as I presume Microsoft looked at people upgrading projects from the immediately prior version.