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Livewire : Wire click event handler not working on 2nd page or higher datatables

I am trying to trigger a livewire function from a wire:click in a datatables array.

This system works fine but only for the first datatable page. Nothing is triggered in the 2nd page or higher.

Here is my code :

event.php :

public function showEvent($eventId)
 return redirect()->route('', [$eventId]);

event.blade.php :

<table class="table align-items-center mb-0 responsive" id="event-table" wire:ignore>
        <th class="text-uppercase text-secondary text-xxs font-weight-bolder opacity-7">
 @foreach ($events as $event)
  <tr class="px-3" wire:key="{{ $event->id }}">
      <td class="ps-2 ps-md-4" data-label="Nom" wire:click="showEvent({{ $event->id }})">

Any suggestion ? Thanks


  • Why you use livewire for this sulotion.

    if rediorect to any page:

    use a tag to redirect,

    if show partial view in current page:

    return view in showEvent method.