My usage scenario is to have asciimath as the primary formula engine. However, for some cases I might need more powerful features which I can find only using TeX.
Is there a way to have different open/close clauses one for the regular ascii math (say ` ) and one for TeX using, say $( and )$ ?
So I want to have mix of ascii math and TeX formulae on the same page.
Sure, you can use both!
First simply configure both (assuming MathJax 3):
MathJax = {
loader: { load: ["input/asciimath", "[tex]/html"] },
tex: {
packages: { "[+]": ["html"] },
inlineMath: [
["$", "$"],
["\\(", "\\)"]
displayMath: [
["$$", "$$"],
["\\[", "\\]"]
asciimath: {
delimiters: [["`", "`"]]
Then use the delimiters to signal to MathJax if you want AsciiMath or Latex:
$$\sum_{n = 100}^{1000}\left(\frac{10\sqrt{n}}{n}\right)$$
`sum_(n = 100)^(1000)(frac(10sqrt(n))(n))`
Remember that AsciiMath requires you to determine whether you want display style or not for the entire document with setting displaystyle: false
/ true
, you can't have both, side by side, as you can for Latex:
asciimath: {
displaystyle: true
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