I am trying to post a message to an Azure Storage Queue through a Web activity in Azure Data Factory.
I am following the URL format from this documentation page. My URL looks as follows, where 'myaccount' and 'myqueue' are replaced with my details:
I am getting a 404 when I try to post a message in the XML Format:
The storage account's authentication method is Access Keys. Do I have to add this to the URL somewhere? I can't figure out why it's 404ing.
Append the SAS Token to the end of the URL and it will solve the problem. Without the SAS Key, any HTTP Request would 404.
You can refer this MSFT Q&A To Append a SAS token to each source or destination URL
azcopy cp "C:\local\path" "https://account.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer1/?sv=2018-03-28&ss=bjqt&srt=sco&sp=rwddgcup&se=2019-05-01T05:01:17Z&st=2019-04-30T21:01:17Z&spr=https&sig=MGCXiyEzbtttkr3ewJIh2AR8KrghSy1DGM9ovN734bQF4%3D" --recursive=true