This program allows users to make an account to receive money. So 'Alice' can create the account Fundraiser. In Fundraiser, there is a specific variable amount_raised which keeps track of how much SOL has been sent to her account. This program allows for multiple people to create new Fundraisers..SO, how do I reference the correct account in the function 'donate'? I am suspecting that I need to use PDAs or at least iterate through all of the programs accounts and match it to the creator's pubkey. Thank you in advance. (Sol is sent in client, I just want to keep track of the amount_raised by adding the amount).
use super::*;
pub fn donate(ctx: Context<Donate>, amount: u32) -> ProgramResult {
let fundraiser: &mut Account<Fundraiser> = &mut ctx.accounts.fundraiser;
let user: &Signer = &ctx.accounts.user;
fundraiser.amount_raised += amount;
pub fn start_fund(ctx: Context<StartFund>, amount: u32, reason: String) -> ProgramResult {
let fundraiser: &mut Account<Fundraiser> = &mut ctx.accounts.fundraiser;
let author: &Signer = &;
let clock: Clock = Clock::get().unwrap();
if reason.chars().count() > 350 {
return Err(ErrorCode::ContentTooLong.into())
} = *author.key;
fundraiser.amount_to_raise = amount;
fundraiser.timestamp = clock.unix_timestamp;
fundraiser.reason = reason;
pub struct StartFund<'info> {
#[account(init, payer = author, space = 64 + 64)]
pub fundraiser: Account<'info, Fundraiser>,
pub author: Signer<'info>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub struct Donate<'info> {
pub fundraiser: Account<'info, Fundraiser>,
pub user: Signer<'info>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
pub struct Fundraiser {
pub author: Pubkey,
pub amount_to_raise: u32,
pub amount_raised: u32,
pub timestamp: i64,
pub reason: String, //reason
} `
You've pretty much got it right -- in your Donate
instruction, you'll also need to pass in Alice's author
account, so that you can move transfer funds from user
to author
during Donate
. So instead, it'll look something like:
pub struct Donate<'info> {
pub fundraiser: Account<'info, Fundraiser>,
pub user: Signer<'info>,
pub author: AccountInfo<'info>,
#[account(address = system_program::ID)]
pub system_program: AccountInfo<'info>,
And you'll have to check that the author
provided matches