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Kusto | KQL: Expand dynamic column to all combinations of two ( Couples | Tuples )

I have a scenario where I am trying to create a view that shows me all the unique couples of values per key. For example:

datatable(Key:string, Value:string)[
'1', 'A', 
'2', 'B',
'2', 'C', 
'3', 'A', 
'3', 'B', 
'3', 'C', 
'3', 'C']
| sort by Key, Value asc
| summarize Tuples=make_set(Value) by Key  


Key Tuples
1   ["A"]
2   ["B","C"]
3   ["A","B","C"]

Desired Result:

Key Tuples
1   ["A"]
2   ["B","C"]
3   ["A","B"]
3   ["A","C"]
3   ["B","C"]

How can I achieve this in KQL?


  • Here's a not too elegant nor efficient way, that uses an inner self join to get all combinations per Key

    datatable(Key:string, Value:string)
        '1', 'A', 
        '2', 'B',
        '2', 'C', 
        '3', 'A', 
        '3', 'B', 
        '3', 'C', 
        '3', 'C'
    | distinct Key, Value
    | as hint.materialized=true T1
    | join kind=inner T1 on Key
    | where Value != Value1
    | project Key, Tuple = tostring(array_sort_asc(pack_array(Value, Value1)))
    | distinct Key, Tuple
    | as hint.materialized=true T2
    | union (
        | where Key !in ((T2 | project Key)) | project Key, Tuple = tostring(pack_array(Value))
    | order by Key asc, Tuple asc
    Key Tuple
    1 ["A"]
    2 ["B","C"]
    3 ["A","B"]
    3 ["A","C"]
    3 ["B","C"]