Android Periodic work will run periodically but i need to schedule a task for n time. Suppose i want to run a task every day for 20 days only. I didn't find any way to do that.
How can i do that?
The offered API allows to cancel a work unconditionally:
If you no longer need your previously enqueued work to run, you can ask for it to be cancelled. Work can be cancelled by its name, id or by a tag associated with it.
But you can use your favorite storage to tack the number of days until they reach to 20 days. And every time the work is performed; i.e. when the doWork()
callback gets called; you can increment the no. of days.
Here's an example of SharedPreference
public static final String WORK_TAG = "WORK_TAG";
public static final String DAY_NO = "DAY_NO";
public Result doWork() {
SharedPreferences prefs = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("prefs", MODE_PRIVATE);
int dayNo = prefs.getInt(DAY_NO, 1);
if (dayNo == 23) {
// cancel the work
Log.d(TAG, "The periodic work has been stopped");
} else {
// Increment the number of days
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putInt("DAY_NO", dayNo);
// Do your work here
return Result.success();
Make sure that you tag the work with the same tag when you initialize the workRequest:
PeriodicWorkRequest workRequest = new PeriodicWorkRequest.Builder(
MyWorkerclass.class, // Worker class
Also notice that any other work with the same tag will be cancelled as well, so make sure it's a unique tag.