According to the Backblaze B2 documentation: CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing, I can only set cors for those capabilities :
I'm using b2 CLI to define CORS rules for my bucket, And all my requests work fine from my origin https:||foo.yz.
But when I try to delete a file using b2_delete_file_version API I get this error:
Access to fetch at '' from origin 'https:||foo.yz' has been blocked by CORS policy
but when I try to add this capability: "b2_delete_file_version" to my CORS rules it shows me that message :
unknown allowedOperation value
You're correct - at present, those are the only four B2 API operations that may be CORS-enabled. However, you could take advantage of B2's S3 compatibility; the following S3 compatible operations are supported for CORS:
If s3_delete
doesn't work for you, please feel free to email our product management team at with your use case and we can look at adding b2_delete_file_version