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Show last date on x axis for mplfinance chart

I've created a chart using mplfinance lib. I want to show the date for the last candle on x axis in the chart. How to achieve this?

enter image description here


  • There is presently no direct way to do this with mplfinance (however there is an enhancement in progress that will help; see issue 428 and issue 313.

    With a bit of work however, you can do this with the following workaround:

    1. set returnfig=True when calling mpf.plot()
    2. get the ticks from the returned x-axis
    3. format the ticks yourself (create tick labels)
    4. add one extra tick at the end.
    5. re-set the ticks and the tick labels.

    Example code:

    Given the following code and plot:

    fig, axlist = mpf.plot(df, type='candle',style='yahoo',volume=True,returnfig=True)

    enter image description here

    We can do the following:

    fig, axlist = mpf.plot(df, type='candle',style='yahoo',volume=True,returnfig=True)
    newxticks = []
    newlabels = []
    ##format = '%Y-%b-%d'
    format = '%b-%d'
    # copy and format the existing xticks:
    for xt in axlist[0].get_xticks():
        p = int(xt)
        if p >= 0 and p < len(df):
            ts = df.index[p]
    # Here we create the final tick and tick label:
    # set the xticks and labels with the new ticks and labels:
    # now display the plot:

    The result:

    enter image description here