I installed an extension "Myleaflet" in TYPO3 ver. 10.4.21. My frontend display this message:
What does sys_categories mean in this case and how exactly can I insert a sys_categories?
I have some categories, but is this not the sys_categories to use by Myleaflet?:
Anyway, I show you also my constants.ts. Maybe there are some false code:
plugin.tx_myleaflet {
view {
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/file; type=string; label=Path to template root (FE)
templateRootPath = EXT:myleaflet/Resources/Private/Templates/
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/file; type=string; label=Path to template partials (FE)
partialRootPath = EXT:myleaflet/Resources/Private/Partials/
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/file; type=string; label=Path to template layouts (FE)
layoutRootPath = EXT:myleaflet/Resources/Private/Layouts/
# customsubcategory=javascript=Javascript
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/javascript; type=boolean; label=Include jQuery core: Add jQuery core script. Turn it off (0), if jQuery is already added.
includejQueryCore = 0
# customsubcategory=css=CSS
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/css; type=string; label=CSS file
cssFile = EXT:myleaflet/Resources/Public/CSS/myleaflet.css
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/javascript; type=string; label=jQuery library
jQueryFile = EXT:myleaflet/Resources/Public/JavaScript/jquery-3.3.1.min.js
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/javascript; type=string; label=Javascript file
javascriptFile = EXT:myleaflet/Resources/Public/JavaScript/myleaflet.js
persistence {
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet//a; type=string; label=Default storage PID
storagePid = 0
settings {
# customsubcategory=leafletmaps=maps
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/leafletmaps; type=int; label=Result page ID: Result page ID
resultPageId = 1
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/leafletmaps; type=int; label=Details page ID: Details page ID
detailsPageId = 1
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/leafletmaps; type=int; label=Single view uid: Uid (not the pageId) for the singleView plugin
singleViewUid = 1
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/leafletmaps; type=int; label=Result limit: Limit of results
resultLimit = 300
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/leafletmaps; type=string; label=Initial map coordinates: Initial map coordinates
initialMapCoordinates = 48,8
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/leafletmaps; type=string; label=Category select mode: [AND|OR] Default OR
categorySelectMode = OR
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/leafletmaps; type=boolean; label=Marker clusterer: Enables the marker clusterer
enableMarkerClusterer = 0
# cat=plugin.tx_myleaflet/leafletmaps; type=string; label=Default languageUid: Use 0 in multi language sites to override selected language in Frontend and if tt_adress record are not localized. Leave it blank to use TYPO3 localization.
defaultLanguageUid = 0
Also, I realized that the filestructure of manual of Myleaflet and the one of the extension.
There is no Data-file anywhere else. Maybe shoud I ignore this manual? I can't get it anymore....
I refered these website, but I couldn't get them...
Myleaflet: https://docs.typo3.org/p/wsr/myleaflet/1.2/en-us/AdministratorManual/Index.html
system categories: https://docs.typo3.org/m/typo3/reference-coreapi/10.4/en-us/ApiOverview/Categories/Index.html
I don't have enough knowledge of programming and TYPO3. I hope you can help me with easily explain. Thank you.
In TYPO3 - create a website using the extension "Myleaflet" you posted a documentation part which says:
The data of tt_address and sys_categories is stored in page Data. Insert in the constant editor the correct “Default storage PID” of the tt_address records
You obviously need sys_categories in the same sysfolder the address records are.