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'actions' isn't defined in Flutter Local Notifications with Action Buttons

I am trying to implement flutter local notification with action buttons, but I don't know what is wrong, I don't see any actions option in the AndroidNotificationDetails in my project but the weird thing is, if I see the GitHub Repository of official flutter local notifications package then there is actions option which also works, I have tested it. So why does it show The named parameter 'actions' isn't defined. in my project but works in theirs? Apart from a notification with actions, everything works fine!

Dependency - flutter_local_notifications: ^9.2.0



Code from sample project: enter image description here


  • Okay so the reason that you are not able to use this because actions feature is in dev mode and flutter_local_notifications has not published any stable version for it if you want to use this feature then you need to use latest under development dependency like below :

    flutter_local_notifications: ^10.0.0-dev.3