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innerHTML converts CDATA to comments

I'm trying to insert some HTML into a page using javascript, and the HTML I'm inserting contains CDATA blocks.

I'm finding, in Firefox and Chrome, that the CDATA is getting converted to a comment.

The HTML is not under my control, so it's difficult for me to avoid using CDATA.

The following test case, when there is a div on the page with id "test":

document.getElementById('test').innerHTML = '<![CDATA[foo]]> bar'

causes the following HTML to be appeded to the 'test' div:

<!--[CDATA[foo]]--> bar

Is there any way I can insert, verbatim, HTML containing CDATA into a document using javascript?


  • document.createCDATASection should do it, but the real answer to your question is that although HTML 5 does have CDATA sections cross-browser support for them is pretty spotty.


    The CDATA sections just aren't in the HTML 4 definition, so most browsers won't recognize them.

    But it doesn't require a full DOM parser. Here's a simple lexical solution that will fix the problem.

    function htmlWithCDATASectionsToHtmlWithout(html) {
        var ATTRS = "(?:[^>\"\']|\"[^\"]*\"|\'[^\']*\')*",
            // names of tags with RCDATA or CDATA content.
            SCRIPT = "[sS][cC][rR][iI][pP][tT]",
            STYLE = "[sS][tT][yY][lL][eE]",
            TEXTAREA = "[tT][eE][xX][tT][aA][rR][eE][aA]",
            TITLE = "[tT][iI][tT][lL][eE]",
            XMP = "[xX][mM][pP]",
            ANY = "[\\s\\S]*?",
            AMP = /&/g,
            LT = /</g,
            GT = />/g;
        return html.replace(new RegExp(
            // Entities and text
            "[^<]+" +
            // Comment
            "|<!--"+ANY+"-->" +
            // Regular tag
            "|<\/?(?!"+SPECIAL_TAG_NAME+")[a-zA-Z]"+ATTRS+">" +
            // Special tags
            "|<\/?"+SCRIPT  +"\\b"+ATTRS+">"+ANY+"<\/"+SCRIPT  +"\\s*>" +
            "|<\/?"+STYLE   +"\\b"+ATTRS+">"+ANY+"<\/"+STYLE   +"\\s*>" +
            "|<\/?"+TEXTAREA+"\\b"+ATTRS+">"+ANY+"<\/"+TEXTAREA+"\\s*>" +
            "|<\/?"+TITLE   +"\\b"+ATTRS+">"+ANY+"<\/"+TITLE   +"\\s*>" +
            "|<\/?"+XMP     +"\\b"+ATTRS+">"+ANY+"<\/"+XMP     +"\\s*>" +
            // CDATA section.  Content in capturing group 1.
            "|<!\\[CDATA\\[("+ANY+")\\]\\]>" +
            // A loose less-than
            "|<", "g"),
            function (token, cdataContent) {
              return "string" === typeof cdataContent
                  ? cdataContent.replace(AMP, "&amp;").replace(LT, "&lt;")
                    .replace(GT, "&gt;")
                  : token === "<"
                  ? "&lt;"  // Normalize loose less-thans.
                  : token;



    it produces


    and given something that looks like a CDATA section inside a script or other special tag or comment, it correctly does not muck with it:

    <script>/*<![CDATA[*/foo=bar<baz&amp;//]]></script><![CDATA[fish: <><]]>


    <script>/*<![CDATA[*/foo=bar<baz&amp;//]]></script>fish: &lt;&gt;&lt;